02 June 2012
Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ideas Workshops announces its first advanced workshop on photography! Advanced light modifiers are not always very easy to get in Bangladesh, which made it imperative for most photographers to know the basics right. The right knowledge can bring a photographer out of any situation with less-than-ideal conditions. This particular workshop, "Know Your Umbrella" concentrates on the dynamic nature of the simplest light modifier available - umbrellas. We will stretch umbrellas to their limit and show what it possible with this cheap lighting instrument. After this workshop, your knowledge and attitude towards lighting will change forever!
We kept an eye on recent photography workshops in this sector and decided to concentrate on something very practical. Rather than theoretical seminar-style presentations, we made it hands-on with practical demos. We are not in favour of a lesson that gets lost with time. So, we are approaching the session from an explorer's perspective; making mistakes and learning from it until the desired objectives are achieved. Only showing ideal scenarios will never help solve practical problems. We would be using speedlites for this session, as these are the most available lights in any photographer's gear bag. The concentration of this lighting workshop would be on 'portraiture'.
The workshop would cover the following generic topics:
-Understand umbrellas in general
-Modifying a shoot-through umbrella for dramatic lighting
-Utilising a reflective umbrella
-Using two umbrellas for complex lighting
-Using GoBos to control light spill
-Utilising the stretch of reflective umbrellas to control light
-Modifying a reflective umbrella for dynamic lighting
To have a look at some of the desired outputs from this session, have a look at this link.
The workshop would also require participants to have knowledge on lighting basics. E.g. manual control of camera and flash, relationship between exposure elements and flash power, size of light source, light fall-off with distance (inverse-square law), flash triggers, etc. Attending basic lighting workshops of Idea Workshops would be an added benefit.
Additional knowledge on lighting is not necessary. But it would be appreciated if participants have their queries (if any) listed out for discussion during the session. It is not mandatory for participants to bring their camera or flash. But it would not be discouraged, as this would help to clear confusion (if any).
-The first workshop was planned on 09 June 2012 (Saturday) at 10:30AM BST. But it was cancelled due to lack of participants.
-The venue of the workshop would be Idea House. For more details, call use at +880-1711055524.
-The time of the workshop should be about 5 (five) hours.
-The fee for this session would be BDT 3,500/-
-There would be a BDT 500/- discount for anyone participating in any of our previous workshops.
-A maximum of 4 (four) participants would be allowed for the first session. The first four persons booking would be the participants in this session. In case you miss this session, please do inform us; we would be happy to conduct more such sessions.
- Stay tuned for announcement of next session. Please do keep an eye on our updates on Twitter or Facebook.
- For payment instructions, please call: +880-1711055524
- Fees are non-refundable.
- A participant can give a replacement participant in case a last minute inconvenience puts him/her out of the session. No additional fees for the replacement participant would be charged.
-Participants are requested to be on time, keeping respect for others' time.
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