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    Saturday, 9 June 2012

    "Improve Your Travely Photos".... basic photo workshop

    10 June 2012
    Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Ideas Workshops announces its first basic photo workshop! Our cameras have given us the power to perform miracles; to capture precious moments forever. But a camera is nothing if the knowledge isn't there to back it up. We all take photos of our families, as they are the most important part of our life. And a large part of those photos come during our travels ("Travel"+"Family = "Travely" photos! :)). We can't recreate those moments; we can't say our photos weren't good enough; so, lets do the tour again! Thus, the only way is to know how to best utilise the camera in hand! This particular workshop, "Improve Your Travely Photos" concentrates on two points: 1. to know the basics of photography, and 2. to understand how to translate that knowledge into great family photographs while on travel! This workshop differs from other basic workshops in that it always talk about how you can utilise the camera to take better photos of your family.

    The workshop would cover the following generic topics:
    a) Theory
    -Understanding the camera & photography in general
    -Photos are too dark or too bright? (Understand exposure)
    -Background blur? What is that? (Focal length, aperture, depth of field)
    -Too many functions in your camera? (Understand camera controls)
    -How do I get classy looking frames? (Basics of composition)
    -When do I click the shutter? (Understand moment)
    -Lost a lotta photos in the past? (Photo storage & management.)
    b) Practice (optional)
    -Photo assignment
    -Critic session on assignment photos

    The workshop is spread into two sessions. The first session (Theory) would cover most of the learning, and the second session (Practice) would be a critic session based on photos taken on a given assignment.

    -The first session (Theory) of the workshop was on 16 June 2012 (Saturday).
    -The venue of the workshop was Idea House. For more details, call us at +880-1711055524.
    -The time of the first session workshop was about 4 to 5 (five) hours.
    -The fee for the first session (Theory) was BDT 1,500/-
    -Make sure to bring your camera to understand camera controls.
    -Possession of a DSLR isn't a necessity, but having a camera with manual controls would be more helpful for understanding.
    -The second session (Practice) was optional. And it was on 23 June (Saturday)(same venue), one week after the first session. Participants in this session were be given an assignment at the end of the first session, which they had one week to complete. During the second session, participants brought their images for a critic session.
    -The second session was of 2 to 3 hours.
    -The fee for the second session (Practice) was BDT 500/-
    -A maximum of 6 (six) participants was allowed for this workshop. The first six persons booking were the participants in this workshop. In case you missed this session, please do inform us; we would be happy to conduct more such sessions.
    - Stay tuned for updates. Please do keep an eye on our updates on Twitter or Facebook.
    - For booking and payment instructions, please call: +880-1711055524
    - Fees are non-refundable.
    - A participant can give a replacement participant in case a last minute inconvenience puts him/her out of the session. No additional fees for the replacement participant would be charged.
    -Participants are requested to be on time, keeping respect for others' time. 

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